Data intelligence hub & ad operations

Experts on Multi Platform AD-Operations Services & Data Intelligence for better decisions.

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Experts on Multi-Platform AD-Operations Services

Social Media, Programmatic, Media, and Google ADs full service AD operations.


Quick & professional campaigns implementations.


Ultimate knowledge & experience to reach your campaign objectives.

Integrated Omni Dashboard

All the campaigns and platforms metrics centralized in one customized Dashboard.


Research & Data Intelligence in Latam

Cómo Funciona SuperData
A.I. (Artificial Intelligence Monitoring Hub)

Artificial Intelligence applied to competitive data for identify new opportunities.

Cómo Funciona SuperData
Data for Media Planning

Get the specific reports & data to planify and optimize your campaigns. Audiences & Segments.

Cómo Funciona SuperData
Social Media & Consumer

Consumer insights data and social media activity listening.

Our Team

SuperData Team

Valeria Cabalen

Advisor - Media & Platforms

Interactive Manager at Grey Interactive, Advertising Manager at MercadoLibre, and Digital Manager at Xaga/BBDO. 18 Years of Experience on digital.

SuperData Team

Martin Noé

Head of Business Development Latam

Graduate Political Science and RRII with posgrade in Economics Development and Enviiromental in Alcala de Henares, Madrid 23 years experience in the digital advertising businessl incompanies like Terra/Telefonica, Nokia, Havas, IMS/Twitter between others. CEO and Fonder of YesWeAd Founder partner IAB Argentina y actually member of the Board of IAA Latam Chapter.

SuperData Team

Ignacio de Nevares

Advisor - AD Operations

Program Manager at Microsoft, Performance Director at SixMarkets, Mobile Banking Innovation at HSBC, & Managing Partner at 2WW Agency, 19 years of experience.


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Experts on Multi-Platform
AD-Operations Services